041 E: The gates were open, but I was lucky
19/8/26 21:08 I skipped July! Anyway. When I was 8, my family moved to a new neighborhood. The residential area was newly renovated and spacious, therefore, quiet. I was still schooling at the time, so not much of my daily routines had changed following the relocation. On weekdays, my mom would wake me up at dawn to catch our bus scheduled to fetch me at 5:00. Classes start at 7:00 and I usually reach school an hour before that. I vividly remember watching the dark skies of dawn turn blue everyday I passed time in school before classes start. You can only imagine how much darker the skies were while I was waiting in my porch at 5 in the morning. The gates of that house were automated, and my mom usually goes back to nap in the living room once she made sure we were up and dressed for school. So every morning, my preteen sisters and I waited at the front porch of a fancy house, unattended in a quiet neighborhood, with no sense of caution, under the dark sky, before wide open gate...