042 FULL RECAP: The Villain has Something to Say (反派有话说) [Novel]

At the start of the story:

Name Age         Remark
Luo Jianqing         36         Xuan Lingzi’s apprentice
Xuan Lingzi         300+ 
Lee Xiuchen        14 
Mo Qiu             55 
Mo Qianqiu         2,700+
Dujue            6,000+

Note: A cultivator is someone who practices power. A core is their source of power.

FULL SUMMARY OF The Villain has Something to Say (反派有话说)

The story first introduces a human that transmigrated to a Xianxia novel and became Xiuchen, the main protagonist of the story. The human is familiar with the novel’s plot progression and lived his transmigrated life accordingly. At 14, Xiuchen, his little sister and some others attempt to climb the Tai Hua Mountain in order to become disciples in cultivation. According to the novel, whilst climbing the mountain Xiuchen’s little sister will protect him from a lightning strike and pass away. The masters of the Tai Hua Mountain will then take pity on Xiuchen for the loss of his sister. Xiuchen’s journey will continue onward, he will become the disciple of the strongest cultivator and defeat his jealous peer, Jianqing. That is what Xiuchen expects to happen in this life, but there was a sudden change in the plot. When the lightning struck, Jianqing descended from the mountain and deflected the lightning, saving the life of Xiuchen's sister.
The story's narrative then shifts to Jianqing’s point of view. It notes that Jianqing has been through the first life and ended up getting killed by Xiuchen, but somehow he was reborn as himself to a period before he met Xiuchen. He retained memories of his past life and in addition, acquired the novel, <Seeking Immortality> (first volume). The same novel depicting Xiuchen’s story.
Jianqing having saved the party from lightning, Xiuchen and other climbers smoothly enters Tai Hua Mountain. Jianqing begins to sabotage Xiuchen to get him disqualified, but gradually came to realize that Xiuchen had the Protagonist’s Halo [9]. Despite Xiuchen’s arrogance and stupidity, the heavens were biased towards him. In the novel, Xiuchen becomes Xuan Lingzi’s disciple, but this time around, Jianqing stopped that from happening.
Jianqing recalls Xuan Lingzi’s favor towards Xiuchen in his past life, causing Jianqing to become jealous and lose his composure. After that he was framed for murder, making his life hell. Jianqing loved his master, but also resented him. Jianqing felt hurt knowing that his master trusted Xiuchen with his sword, and then Xiuchen had used that sword to kill him.
In the following arc, Jianqing substitutes Mu Tianxin to lead an expedition in order to prevent Xiuchen from violating Mu Tianxin. It becomes apparent to Jianqing that after rebirth, he could no longer cultivate his core with the sacred art his master taught him, "JLBXL" (九莲本心录). Instead, he acquired and practiced with "JLDTL" (九莲夺天录) [1] during the journey. Nearing the end of the expedition, Jianqing was caught under the effects of a demon’s skill, as he was about to be violated by Xiuchen, Xuan Lingzi appeared to save him. Before the journey, Xuan Lingzi had split his core, infusing it into Jianqing which allows him to manifest when his apprentice is in danger. Seeing the lustful state Jianqing was in, Xuan Lingzi exhibits his love for him, but promptly stops. He then tried to assassinate Xiuchen, but the latter was so favored by the heavens, lightning would strike at Xuan Lingzi’s attempts, meaning that the heavens is preventing Xiuchen's death. In the end, Xuan Lingzi relocates Jianqing and erases both Jianqing and Xiuchen’s memory of his appearance.
The next arc, Jianqing retraces Xiuchen's steps in <Seeking Immortality> to take advantage of Xiuchen’s luck with loots in a cave. There, he met a dark cultivator [2] named Mo Qiu who was a prodigy like him. The two found a spirit fruit along with some other cultivators, they then fought with the others for its possession. In the end, they were driven underneath a cave. Heavily injured, Jianqing was about to pass away, but then Xuan Lingzi’s half-core manifested and infused the spirit fruit into Jianqing to save him. When Mo Qiu woke up, he was furious, but as they were stuck there for 3 years +, he forgave Jianqing and the two formed a solid friendship. Upon successfully avoiding danger by a hair and leaving the cave, they were separated. Jianqing then fell into a river from exhaustion. An old couple hoisted him up and nursed him to health. 1 more year passed and Jianqing fully recovered. The old couple then passed away. Jianqing later learned that they were his parents. When his birth caused natural disasters, his parents reluctantly abandoned him in a river where Xuan Lingzi would find and adopt him. Jianqing also learned that his parents should have passed away years ago, but because Xuan Lingzi had given the old couple longevity pills, they were able to live a little longer so Jianqing could meet them. Jianqing returns to Tai Hua Mountain in deep thought.
Xuan Lingzi is the world’s strongest cultivator, in exchange for a truce between demon and mortals, he pledged not to leave the bounds of Tai Hua Mountain. He shouldn’t have been able to leave. So, to deliver the longevity pills, save his apprentice, Xuan Lingzi had split his core four times, each attempt was an excruciating one. In the end, it damaged Xuan Lingzi’s core.
Jianqing began to wonder what he meant to Xuan Lingzi. He refused to think about it for sometime since he was disappointed in his master’s actions in the last life, but this time around… Upon reaching his master's residence, Jianqing kissed Xuan Lingzi, affirming that his master loved him too. Although the feelings were mutual, Xuan Lingzi vehemently disagreed with having a relationship with his disciple as it was immoral (乱伦) [3]. Unable to receive Jianqing's feelings nor suppress his own, Xuan Lingzi secluded himself in his house and meditated for months.
In the following arc, Jianqing stalks Xiuchen once again to pilfer his loot. Along the way, he thwarts Xiuchen's attempt to recruit a woman called Mu Ruorong into his harem. Jianqing then acquired a spirit pill by harming a lizard demon. It gave chase, endangering Jianqing. Just then, Mo Qiu sensed that his friend was in danger and swooped in to save him from dying.
The spirit pill revealed himself to be a spirit named Qingjun [4] with extraordinary healing abilities, he was created by a human named Jiulian. His master abandoned him, so he waited for his master for 30,000 years. Jiulian is also the creator of "JLBXL" (九莲本心录) and "JLDTL" (九莲夺天录), the sacred art Xuan Lingzi and Jianqing cultivates respectively. So, in a way, Jiulian is the grandmaster of Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi.
Jianqing brings Qingjun back to Tai Hua Mountain. He wishes to heal Xuan Lingzi's damaged core, being the reason that his master's core was damaged in the first place. Hearing those reasons, Xuan Lingzi lunged to embrace and kiss Jianqing. Xuan Lingzi uttered, "Jianqing, don't die... what will become of me if you die," before vomiting a pool of blood and falling unconscious.
Qingjun began healing Xuan Lingzi over the next 3 days. Xuan Lingzi then asked Jianqing to wait for him a little, he needed to gather his feelings. After a filler episode, Jianqing returns to his master's residence and they confess their feelings towards each other. 
Jianqing then sets off on another journey to thwart Xiuchen once again. He later learns that Mo Qiu became a disciple of the powerful Chief Dark Cultivator, Mo Qianqiu (not evil anymore). Among humans, Mo Qianqiu's strength is second behind Xuan Lingzi. Jianqing, Mo Qiu and 2 new allies he met along the way, Yunxiang and Monk, slaughtered a high-level murderous dark cultivator that tried to kill them. After that, while Jianqing was in his inn, he received the 3rd volume of <Seeking Immortality> from the heavens. As he read the book, he discovered that Xiuchen had framed him for murder, turning humanity against him in his past life. He also learned that Xuan Lingzi had no intention to kill him! Before, when Xuan Lingzi borrowed Xiuchen his sword, he merely told Xiuchen to: "Bring Jianqing back."
Elated, Jianqing raced to Tai Hua Mountain. Jianqing told Xuan Lingzi everything about <Seeking Immortality>, but held back the fact that he was reborn. The two then papapa for ~18 days, during which it was revealed to the reader Xuan Lingzi also held back the truth that he was reborn. (Chapter 45)
After that, Xuan Lingzi forbade anymore papapa with Jianqing as the apprentice was evolving his core too fast from absorbing his master's essence. Jianqing is in dire need of stabilizing his core. Later, it comes to their knowledge that the spirit fruit Xuan Lingzi infused into Jianqing back at the cave actually belonged to Mo Qianqiu, the Chief Dark Cultivator. Mo Qianqiu isolated his spiritual power into 9 spirit fruits to evolve his core. Since he killed a lot of innocent people in the past, it became difficult for him to evolve his core, so he had to form the spirit fruits and slowly consume them. But back then, one of the fruits were stolen and it ended up in the cave.
News about Mo Qianqiu evolving his core spread and the Head of Tai Hua Mountain arranged some people and cultivators of different sects to visit Mo Qianqiu. Xuan Lingzi also recommended Jianqing to visit Mo Qianqiu to return the fruit infused in his core.
There were some trouble along the way, but all was well in the end and Jianqing returns the fruit to Mo Qianqiu. It was then revealed to the reader that Mo Qianqiu was Mo Qiu. Back then, after isolating his spiritual power, a new body/core formed, giving Mo Qianqiu the chance to start over in cultivation. Mo Qianqiu then stole the identity of a man named Mo Qiu.
Jianqing was about to return to Tai Hua Mountain when he was kidnapped by a stray dark cultivator. The dark cultivator had the intention of making Jianqing into a spirit pill and consuming him to evolve his core. His behavior was rash as his life is nearing its end and if his core didn't evolve, he'll die.
Underpowered, Jianqing endured the torture of having his consciousness wiped away. Just as his lifeline was about fade away, his spiritual core took the shape of a lotus (formerly human), signifying that JLDTL has matured further in some way. In Tai Hua Mountain, Jianqing's life candle [5] slowly faded, seeing that, Xuan Lingzi raced out of Tai Hua Mountain to save his apprentice, effectively terminating the pledge of peace. Meaning the demon clan can now invade the humans when they wish.
After the 2 safely return to Tai Hua Mountain, cultivators from different sects expressed their disapproval in Xuan Lingzi's actions, but they were quickly dismissed by him and the elders of Tai Hua Mountain. Later, Xuan Lingzi brings Jianqing to the place where Tai Hua's people life candles are situated. Qingjun then reacted to Jiulian's dim life candle, it was a sign that his master was alive. He wishes to rekindle the faint flames and then became one with it. Qingjun then stops accompanying Jianqing's journey. 
Now that Xuan Lingzi is free from the bounds of the pledge, he is able to travel the world freely with Jianqing. They did so, and then came many filler episodes. During which Jianqing reveals to Xuan Lingzi that he could no longer practice JLBXL, so he took on JLDTL instead, which incidentally transfigured his spiritual core to a lotus. Xuan Lingzi expressed worry, but was not too hasty.
The two then reached their destination, a place where the Mo Clan ancestor's remains lay. Jianqing remembers visiting these grounds in his past life, when he was about to die, the remains prolonged his life. According to the book, Xiuchen had thoughtlessly plundered the remain's relics. This time around, before that happens, Jianqing decides to repay the debt of his past life by bringing the Mo Clan ancestor to his descendents, Mo Qiu.
However, just as Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi were venturing these lands, a storm rose and 2 of the 64 mountains in that area began toppling. Xuan Lingzi was forced to trap himself inside the storm to ease the chaos, he then asked Jianqing to return and get help, and not to come back within half a year.
Jianqing began fleeing, he then met up with Mo Qiu. When Jianqing asked why Mo Qiu was here, Mo Qiu revealed he thought Jianqing called him here. Through process of elimination, they figured the demons were behind it. The demon's aim was to gather the two disciples of the strongest cultivators into one place, facilitating their capture. Strong demons came their way, but Jianqing and Mo Qiu thwarted them, suffering heavy injuries in the process, especially Mo Qiu.
Witnessing the turmoil and Xuan Lingzi's trapped self, the demons declared war with the humans. They felt assured since Xuan Lingzi, a power stronger than them, will not appear anytime soon.
As Jianqing and Mo Qiu tried to escape further, Jianqing sensed the Mo Clan ancestor's remains and led Mo Qiu there. The ancestor is revealed to be Moqing, Jiulian's friend from 30,000 years ago. Moqing's remnant suddenly manifests and informs Jianqing of JLDTL's creator, which was Jiulian. He then gave Jianqing a ring. To Jianqing's surprise, Moqing did not pay much attention to Mo Qiu. Just then, Jiulian's will manifested from a ring that Jianqing pilfered from Xiuchen. His appearance knocked out both Jianqing and Mo Qiu. Jiulian and Moqing began to converse, and it is revealed that Jiulian had caused the death of 81 cultivators and 64 dragons 30,000 years ago, which includes Moqing. Moqing forgives Jiulian, stating that the two may be more than just friends. They then disappear.
Upon regaining consciousness, Jianqing and Mo Qiu left and continued to seek help. Just then, one of the 4 Demon Generals attacked them, his name was Jinli. Jinli's strength was miles above the two, thus the two could only surrender. However, because of a trauma, Jinli refuse to travel at night, so the three sat waiting for the sun to rise. 
Jinli is the last living dragon. Over a hundred years ago, Mo Qianqiu fought Jinli in the last war, stole his core and sealed him in a dark space, seeding his fear of darkness. Mo Qiu used this knowledge to his advantage and helped the 2 escape. Still, Jinli was stronger so Mo Qiu made the choice of sacrificing his body to let Jianqing escape. But Mo Qiu knew Jinli would catch up very soon, so he told Jinli where his core was hidden. After killing Mo Qiu, Jinli left Jianqing unharmed and searched for his stolen core. Jianqing turned back to look at his good friend's dead body. It was definitely dead, but suddenly, the body vanished. 
After lamenting, he continued fleeing. Once he sees his allies aiding in the war, he stayed among them. There, Jianqing learned from the Mo Clan (one of the sects) that the Mo Qiu he knew wasn't the real Mo Qiu. It left Jianqing wondering who Mo Qiu really was. 

[At this point, I begin to skim because the war was getting too long] 

Anyhow, even though Mo Qiu's body is dead, Mo Qianqiu is still alive, the only difference is that he can no longer evolve his core nor extend his life. The humans and demons kept fighting and the death count piles up. 
Meanwhile, Xuan Lingzi reaches a place where the wills of the late dragons reside. The wills guarded a pill filled with spiritual power, after consuming the pill. He digested it with much difficulty as the pill was overflowing with the spiritual power of the late dragons, and many days passed. 
The humans and demons are still fighting. 
6 months had passed since the mountains first collapsed, Xuan Lingzi finally overcame the pill's power and evolve his core further. Being the strongest being in the realm, it was a big deal. He then stumbled upon the strongest of the 4 Demon Generals named Dujue (also the Chief of Demons) and clashed swords with him. After the battle, Xuan Lingzi appeared before the warring masses and conveyed that the war will halt for 10 years. That was what he and Dujue had agreed upon. Xuan Lingzi informed everyone that Dujue's core had evolved, the Chief of Demons got stronger.
Against Dujue, Xuan Lingzi had the upper hand, Jianqing wondered why his master agreed upon the cease fire. [I also don't know, I missed it while skimming] When Jianqing asked about it, Xuan Lingzi became dodgy and the topic digressed.
Xuan Lingzi figured that Mo Qiu was Mo Qianqiu. Jianqing had asked Mo Qianqiu whether he was Mo Qiu, but Mo Qianqiu decided against revealing his identity to Jianqing, believing that his true body will die soon too. He thinks that Jianqing should remember his death as Mo Qiu rather than Mo Qianqiu. Thinking that the pain should only be felt once. 
In 7 of the 10 years of cease fire, Xuan Lingzi accompanied Jianqing in his quest to pilfer more of Xiuchen's loot and then soiling Xiuchen's reputation some more. Jianqing's core had evolved further. He is then ~70 years old. 
On the 8th year, the humans began to strike, reigniting the war. Mo Qianqiu had hasten the war as he was weakening from age. When Mo Qianqiu faced Jinli in battle, he helped Jinli recall his past. When Jinli was wronged and full of vengeance, he begged Mo Qianqiu to save his life. In return, he promised to serve Mo Qianqiu for as long as he lives. In the end, Mo Qianqiu sealed Jinli away along with himself, resulting in both their supposed deaths.
Some more battles happened, and more deaths occurred. Everyone fought in the same place. 
The war reached its climax when the remaining 62 mountains collapsed and a live golden dragon manifested. The dragon swallowed Jianqing, mistaking him for Jiulian for the latter also practiced JLDTL. Inside the dragon's cavity, the dragon introduces himself as Cangruo, the late Chief of the Dragon Clan. He showed Jianqing his memories of Jiulian and how Jiulian led the deaths of his people.
30,000 years ago, with the help of Moqing (Cangruo trusts Moqing), Jiulian appeared before Cangruo and proposed the idea of aiding all 64 Dragon Clan members to ascend to the heavens. The idea was for Jiulian to seize the heavens and change its scales, that was what Jiulian had in mind when he created the sacred art JLDTL. The hundred-year endeavor began, resulting in the death of all 64 Dragons and 81 cultivators. They died because they endured the heaven's wrath in Jiulian's stead while he attempts to seize the heavens. 
The furious Cangruo held Jianqing captive to demand for an explanation of Jiulian's actions. In retort, Jianqing said he will not end up failing like Jiulian. Jianqing vowed to triumph in seizing the heavens. He hands over a ring which contained Moqing's will, saying that Jiulian is alive. Cangruo accepts Jianqing's vow and infuses a Dragon's bone into Jianqing. Cangruo then releases Jianqing from his cavity. Cangruo was later slayed by Xuan Lingzi.
Before devouring Jianqing, Cangruo indirectly revealed to everyone that Jianqing was practicing JLDTL. The head of Tai Hua was shocked as JLDTL was a forbidden art which Xuan Lingzi should have sealed away. There was an old Tai Hua law regarding JLDTL, to kill anyone who practices it. Furthermore, Cangruo's sole menace towards Jianqing led the Demon Clan to think that Jianqing was the one that caused the mountains to collapse. A prophecy states than an Omen (妖物) [6] will descend upon the realm and become the bane of all existence. Seeing how Jianqing was unharmed by Cangruo's assault, the demons concluded that Jianqing is the prophesied Omen. Everyone from humans to demons then turned their backs against Jianqing for their own reasons - a prophecy, a broken law and hatred. There were some sects that sat out from the witch hunt out of trust in Jianqing.
Xuan Lingzi protected his apprentice regardless and suffered severe injuries on top of old ones. Driven to a corner, the two then escaped into the depths of a cliff, where the violent winds could tear everything apart, making it hard to enter from the outside. No one pursued them further as they assume the winds will kill them.

[I stopped skimming, but was a little vexed from the novel’s length.]

Under the cliff’s depths, Jianqing woke up and searched for Xuan Lingzi who had landed somewhere else. He then found his unconscious master healing under a Tree (梧桐树). Xuan Lingzi was gravely injured after protecting Jianqing from the violent winds. However, an impenetrable barrier stood between Jianqing and his master. In the end, he could only destroy the barrier by using the Dragon Bone’s power. A Phoenix's Will was guarding the Tree, the will then attacked Jianqing in retaliation. After some explaining, the Phoenix (not alive, just a will) allowed Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi to heal under the Tree.
After some days of healing, the Phoenix suggest that Jianqing inherit the Phoenix Clan’s sacred art. It involves monopolizing another person’s spiritual power and making it one’s own. Disgusted, Jianqing tried to leave. But the Phoenix forced Jianqing to inherit the sacred art to keep the Phoenix line alive. There was a mutual agreement and Jianqing receives the Phoenix’s powers. It guaranteed his rebirth 2 times. Before the manifestation dissolved, she mentioned, “The heavens changed.” This piqued Jianqing’s curiosity as Qingjun and Moqing had said the same thing, but he couldn’t figure out what they meant.
Around this time, rumors of Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi committing incest circulated.
10 years later, the violent wind guarding the cliff’s depths finally came to a calm. The alliance formed against Jianqing started to raid the cliff’s depth to kill Jianqing and capture Xuan Lingzi. 6 strong individuals consisting of demons and humans was the first party to enter. Xuan Lingzi was still unconscious, so Jianqing had to defeat the aggressors himself. Thanks to the Phoenix’s powers, he was able to do so. Another 9 individuals comprised of human and demon ventured in, Jianqing once again wiped them out.
On the 3rd attempt, only 2 people went in. It was Xiuchen and one other cultivator! Jianqing quickly killed the cultivator and left Xiuchen alive. He knew that he couldn’t kill Xiuchen because the heavens favored him, so he simply tortured Xiuchen to get answers from him. Jianqing learned that 10 years have passed, and that Dujue has fully recovered and is making his way into the cliff’s depths. Jianqing knows that he is absolutely helpless against Dujue, so he tries to escape while carrying the unconscious Xuan Lingzi.
Unfortunately, while escaping, Dujue caught up to him and the 2 fought. Just then, Xuan Lingzi woke up from his coma, but was still weak. He then advised Jianqing on dealing with Dujue. Dujue was cautious of Xuan Lingzi as the latter could kill him if he were at full strength. Jianqing used that to his advantage and misdirected Dujue's attention, and then escaped.
For the next 11 years, Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi stayed hidden and recovered their health. They were caught, and they escaped once again. Xuan Lingzi noted that struggling to survive made Jianqing a cold-blooded killer. In the following 10 years, Jianqing and Xuan Lingzi hid in a cave full of nightmare spirits. Jianqing focused on evolving his core whereas Xuan Lingzi focused on making pills to aid Jianqing’s evolution. A few months later, the two were found and attacked once more. During which Jianqing was immobile as he was in the midst of an internal evolution trial [7]. In the meantime, Xuan Lingzi protected Jianqing from harm. In the end, Jianqing failed the evolution. One would be harmed if the evolution trial failed, yet nothing happened to Jianqing. Reinforcing everyone’s opinion that Jianqing was the prophesied Omen.
When Jianqing failed the trial, he understood something. Practicing JLDTL allowed him to see whether a person could be reborn in a new world. Xuan Lingzi’s string was detached from the earth, signifying that Xuan Lingzi could not be reborn.
In the next instance, Jianqing dragged Xuan Lingzi and fled with him. They travelled back into the cliff’s depths where the Phoenix Tree was. Jianqing explained to Xuan Lingzi that he wishes to share the Phoenix’s power with him so that Xuan Lingzi could be reborn into the new world. The two sat within the Tree’s barrier, protecting them. 
The alliance stormed into the cliff’s depths and Dujue made his appearance with a Kirin’s horn [8]. With the Kirin at their side, they successfully penetrated the Tree’s barrier. By then, Xuan Lingzi already knows that obtaining the Phoenix’s flame was futile. So, he urged Jianqing to give up. Their bodies were badly harmed from the attempt, and when the alliance attacked them, they repelled with difficulty. 
The Tai Hua Head then somehow killed Xuan Lingzi. In a fit, Jianqing's core evolved and he went berserk, using JLDTL, he killed everyone on site and then seized their chances of rebirth. He couldn't kill Dujue, so he kept him alive. Their strengths were equal, so the stalemate went on. For 3 years, Dujue kept bothering Jianqing who just wanted to drown in despair. Having enough of it, Jianqing erected an impenetrable barrier. It was a skill stolen from one of the 4 Demon Generals Jianqing killed. Dujue then ordered men to watch over Jianqing. 
Without Xuan Lingzi, Jianqing lost every direction, so he sits on a spot, does nothing, and stays that way for 10 years. Many visited him within those 10 years. But only 2 visits triggered a reaction from him. On the third year, Yunxiang said, "If he chooses to abandon himself and wallow in despair, what can I do?" On the tenth year, Zuo Yunmo, a fellow Tai Hua disciple that watch Jianqing grow said to him, "Back then, you said you wanted to become the world's strongest cultivator then do as you please with this world. If the death of your lover disheartens you, then become the world's strongest cultivator, kill all his enemies and offer their blood to commemorate him." 
A month later, Jianqing left the cliff's depths and trespassed into Tai Hua Mountain. His return alerted the Tai Hua elders. The first thing Jianqing did was burn down the shared residence he had with Xuan Lingzi. Next, he stole Jiulian's life candle. Lastly, he captured Xiuchen. When asked why he kidnapped Xiuchen, he proved to the people of Tai Hua that the heavens favored Xiuchen and he cannot be killed no matter what. The Tai Hua elders were shocked and did not obstruct Jianqing from taking Xiuchen away. Jianqing vowed to reveal the truth of the world 50 years later at the site where the 64 mountains collapsed.
Then came a 50-year fruitless search for Jianqing. In those years, he took advantage of Xiuchen's luck and evolved his core to the final phase. He tortured answers out of Xiuchen, Jianqing learns that Xiuchen transmigrated into this world. 
43 years later, Mo Qianqiu and Jinli returned from the sealed dimension. His core evolved to the final phase. He attempted to bring apart Tai Hua Mountain for turning against Jianqing, but then abstained from it. He also searched for Jianqing, to no avail. On the other hand, Jinli defected and sided with Mo Qianqiu, in those 7 years, he managed to steal Kirin’s horn from Dujue and deliver it to Jianqing. Whatever happened between Mo Qianqiu and Jinli in the other dimension was never mentioned. However, it was mentioned that Jinli gave Mo Qianqiu his physical heart. Side note, Jianqing never got to know Mo Qianqiu was Mo Qiu even until the end.
50 years later, Jianqing appeared before them at the promised site. Jianqing brought Xiuchen too, which the latter was trapped in a cage. With JLDTL, Jianqing then showed everyone the strings connecting them to this world. Each string signified chance of luck (机缘). All but one had more than a few strings, that one person was Xiuchen. He had so much attached, it seemingly rolled him into a ball. Upon sensing the anomaly surrounding Xiuchen, the alliance determined that Xiuchen is also an Omen and attacked him. However, each and every one of their relentless attacks were deflected by lightning which struck from the heavens. Xiuchen was protected and unscathed. Meanwhile, Jianqing ascended to the skies above and began his attempt to seize the heavens with JLDTL.

JLDTL seizes 9 components, Jianqing had to seize one component in each layer of the sky: 
  • 1st, Seizure of Spring and Autumn (夺草木春秋)
  • 2nd, Seizure of Soul Law (夺生灵法义)
  • 3rd, Seizure of Right or Wrong (夺对错是非)
  • 4th, Seizure of Cause and Effect (夺缘法因果)
  • 5th, Seizure of Life and Death (夺生来死去)
  • 6th, Seizure of Day and Time (夺皓日时光)
  • 7th, Seizure of Rebirth (夺万物轮回)
  • 8th, Seizure of Oneself (夺我)
  • 9th, Seizure of Heaven (夺天)

He met Jiulian’s spirit who was waiting in the sky’s 6th layer. Jiulian’s spirit guided Jianqing up to the 7th layer, then disappeared after extinguishing his own life candle. Jianqing proceeded and met Jiulian’s lifeless body stuck at the 8th layer. The body attacked Jianqing. 30,000 years ago, Jiulian failed the 8th seizure, Seizure of Oneself, therefore he failed to seize the heavens and it rebounded. Jiulian couldn’t move on from Moqing that’s why he failed the 8th seizure, but since Jianqing lost all his closest allies, he was void of worldly desires. After defeating Jiulian, Jianqing succeeded the 8th seizure and reached the heavens. 
He changed the heavens so it did not tip towards Xiuchen's favor, after that, he made the world anew. In the end, Jianqing chose to abstain the 9th seizure, because he didn’t want to seize the heavens, he just wanted to be a human. Jianqing was ~160 y/o at this point.
A few truths were revealed to Jianqing when advancing the sky’s layers. It was stated that this 50,000 y/o world existed for Xiuchen, the novel’s protagonist. Before, when some people mentioned that “The heavens changed”, it meant: The first time it changed was when the world became a novel 50,000 years ago. The second time was when Jiulian tried to seize the heavens. There were 3 incidents that disrupted the heavens. First, when Xuan Lingzi forced the world to renew. After Jianqing died in the first life, Xuan Lingzi learned JLDTL up to the 5th seizure and severed his rebirth to allow Jianqing to be reborn as himself again in a new life. Second, a human from another world transmigrated into this world as Xiuchen. And lastly, when Jianqing completed the 7th seizure.
Though the world was reincarnated, Jianqing is not apart of it. Powerful people like Xuan Lingzi and Mo Qiu retained memories of the past lives, and therefore still remember Jianqing who did not exist currently. Mo Qiu described it as a dream that seemed to went on for a millenium. When the new world reached the age where Jianqing rewrote the heavens, Jianqing willed his existence to be rewritten into history and he reappeared and lived happily ever after with Xuan Lingzi and Mo Qiu and others.


  1. "JLDTL" 九莲夺天录: lit. Nine Lotus Seize Heaven Record.
  2. “Dark Cultivator” 魔修: More accurately “Demonic Cultivator”, but I didn’t want to make it seem like they are related to the Demon Clan.
  3. Considering that Xuan Lingzi found and raised Jianqing while the latter was still a baby, it is still incest even though they are not related by blood. But since the word incest implies blood-relation, I replaced it with “immoral”.
  4. Qingjun can shift his appearance anyway from a tiny pill, a life-sized boy to a life-sized man.
  5. “Life Candle” 本命灯: It lights up when its owner is alive and extinguishes when its owner is dead.
  6. “Omen” 妖物: More accurately “Monster” or “Evil Spirit”, but those aren’t pretty names and are way off the mark. So, I used Omen since Demon was taken.
  7. At some point when evolving their core, the person will need to start undergoing a trial every time they reach a new phase.
  8. “Kirin” 麒麟: One of the 3 mythical godly races, alongside the dragon and the phoenix race.
  9. "Protagonist Halo" 主角光环: AKA Golden Halo. It means that the plot always twists towards the protagonist's favor. The protagonist is destined to not die, be lucky etc.


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