015 D: Quarters of an Hour


(I had a short dream dozing off after work, it's random and I can't entirely understand it's meaning nor relate to it, but since it seems symbolic and I remembered it somehow, I think it's kind of neat.)

A person prances about the quarters of an hour
on her first step, she met her best friend.
the next step, she meets another one.
As she reached the third however, she saw emptiness and wanted to leave to where her friend should be.
Yet for some reason her friend advanced forward as she moved backwards.
She raced a step forward again, but as if being avoided, the friend took a step back.
The girl glanced down at the 2nd quarter from the 3rd, the backside of her friend facing her.
She then looked up, the 4th quarter where she should go was just as empty.
The 1st quarter was just across her, but somehow she had forgotten its existence.



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