016 Th: Train, Right/Wrong


During my leisure time in bed, thought-filled moments in the shower, I've been thinking... what is right, what is wrong? I know that it depends on the circumstances, but who makes that judgement?

When a police officer points a gun at a criminal, it isn't wrong, but when a criminal points it at a civilian, it's wrong. What differentiates a criminal and a civilian? The presence of a guilty mind, the absence of innocence. But why did the criminal have a guilty mind? He had to have been influenced, something must have induced his behaviour. There's always a motive behind every case, people who desire something, people who seek their own justice.

Why are people so different? Why do their desires and values differ? Their upbringing? Even earth have lands with different climate and environment, I guess the world was just meant to be that way. It was as if being diverse is a universal rule. That reminds me of an article stating all humans will be mixed and that one dominant race shall prevail in the end. Eventually, the recessive races will get wiped out. The strong only gets stronger and the weak will be weeded. It's what they call Natural Selection, no? When people take something from the rich to help the poor, they're simply delaying advancement, for what they call "ethics."

When people tell weak people "it's okay to be weak" then that weak person will keep being weak, but that weak person will still be alive, mentally stable, happy even. For what purpose? "To give hope", "to brighten people's lives." Some things in my childhood I came to understand as I grew up, but those words never quite settled well. The weak person didn't earn the assurance, it was given to him by the strong out of kindness, sympathy, "ethics". Why can a person be strong, and the other be weak? Differences are quite annoying. When there's a winner, there will always be a loser.

If everyone had equal views and standing, there would be no conflict, no chaos, no competition, no nothing. I once heard a quote, "If everyone plays the same note, how can there be harmony?" Then again, quotes and life lessons are circumstantial. Emotions are quite annoying too, maybe it's the reason why thoughts deviate from person to person. Humans as social beings can't really discard it, right? Things will stay the same, people will resist revolutions. Right and wrong will be obscured, justifications, excuses... Because the world is not infinite, scarcity happens. Differences occur across the universe, and there will always be a difference, it will not cease unless the universe itself ceases to be different.

I digress. To answer my own question, right and wrong are determined by society, society is the judge. Society isn't ideal and it can never be ideal as the conditions of the universe are neither ideal. Ideally, a society shouldn't exist. Ideally, resources should be infinite. Ideally, everyone should be robots with common opinions aiming towards a common goal.

Pointless thoughts are pointless thoughts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's be stupid to act upon these ideals. The cake's still there, it's still sweet, I'm still going to eat it.



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