017 P: VR, L Stands for...


L Stands for...

Lousy lowland, liar littered place
Love lacks loyalty, lies layered and laced
Lawless losers loath latching on lament
Lacerations, lesions let and left
Limping leverages, liabilities that last
Lingering languish, lethargy and laze
Listless loners lag in lapses
Living loses its light
Life, it lulls

(Someone wrote a poem for B, it goes like "Bubbles bubble bumblebee and burp..." It was so cute I felt like reciting it. I wanted to write a B poem too, but it'd just end up being the same. I wrote this without a lot of thought, just searching up words that start with L and formed sentences that vaguely make sense. It took some time and many cringes. Probably, very cringe if I listen back to this some time later... No wait, it's already cringe. How fitting!!)


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