019 E: Duke + Old Virgin


E as in Experience

I'm suddenly reminded of something that happened back when I was 9 and 10 or 11. I played Maplestory, and I liked picking fights, keyboard warrior to the max.

I was 9 and I had a cleric at lvl 30. Back then, cashy characters weren't that common, so at that time it was still considered a 'very cool' thing. My character had that pretty rose hair so I was respected everywhere I went, especially since I was still at... Maple Island(? forgot what it's called) the place before Orbis. One time at Kerning PQ, being lvl 30, I lead a team. There was this noob mage at lvl 21 that wouldn't do anything during the crocs, the mobs and the king slime. Basically, he wasn't helping. He said he his damage is shit and rather not waste MP pots (back when you actually had to buy them) and risk dying. So I kept calling him a coward, very reflective of my age. My party members were teaming with me to bash the lvl 21 mage, since I was 2nd job had that cashy hair going on. After about 2 runs, he was like super annoyed and left the party, telling me to wait outside and let's compare "mains". Woah bro, hahaha. He came with a lvl 80 hermit wearing all black, I remember his name clearly, 'Duke'. I felt scared man, that 50 level gap, he kept making this F7 expression, while I did F2 pathetically. I never called him noob, just coward. But then he kept saying "Who's the noob now?" My party members did try to console me after that, they didn't change sides even when the guy had a higher level, since he wasn't cashy and he wasn't cooler than me.

I was 10 or 11 here, I had a lvl 55 bandit with the cool 6-hit combo attack (when multi-hit was still unique). I was Orbis PQ-ing, a little more mature here, or at least I act like it. So, there was this guy in the party chat that was spamming. This guy's ign was all capped, he was a thief class too and also the same level as I was. I forgot what happened exactly, but it went with me calling him immature, because he was screaming in the party chat for god knows what reason. I called him a kid (even when I was one too) and told him to grow up. I bluffed calling myself mature, pftt. And then he said that I had sex with whomever. I clarified by saying I was a virgin. And then he said, "OH EWW, SO YOU ARE AN OLD VIRGIN." My fingers froze, I didn't know a 'mature' comeback to counter that, I remained silent. Oh shit, I lost, how do I take this humiliation?? If I recall correctly, the party was very quiet apart from the guy, there was no talking, so no one pointed out my shame. I just remember quiet in the chat after his winning comeback, maybe he disconnected or something, that timing, good gracious. This incident was engraved in my memory for losing and receiving the unexpected smartass comeback.

(How to procrastinate 101)



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