032 E: Grade school teachers


I remember back when I was 9, we had a homeroom teacher who'd call kids names. He called one kid "a devil" and then another one a "trash" since... I don't know, maybe they were noisy? I forgot. Eventually, other kids called them names too. One mysterious day, he gathered the class. He asked us kids to not tell our parents that he gave us demeaning names. He specifically asked for the attention of the kid he called devil. I never understood why he stopped calling them names, especially since the class was having a blast picking on those kids. Now that I think about it, his colleague probably got an ass-whooping for doing the same thing, and that served as his warning.

I had another homeroom teacher when I was 12, she was weird. My classmates were sharper than I am, so they caught it early on while I stayed stupid. Even so, our class was fond of her. One time, we mimicked her words. She found it humorous in the morning, laughed with us. But during her class in the evening, she just snapped, called us disrespectful. We were dumbfounded. She slapped our class monitor once, for talking too much and being too enthusiastic. He cried, he said not even his parents did that to him. He was her favorite student. There was one time she accused us of posing as her on Facebook, she lectured the class about it. She made it big issue. In the end, it turned out to be an adult out there with the same name. The thing suddenly died down, she probably realized how stupid the situation was. At this point, our class was wary of her. The girls were gossiping, said she's unstable. I was dumb then and didn't know what that meant. I asked her in front of the whole class "Why is your mood so unstable?" She didn't answer, the class just laughed it off. Thank God it was noisy then. But I also remember she shared pictures of her life to us, she called us special and the whole class held a surprise for her birthday.

Teachers that are emotionally invested to a bunch of unempathetic children are likelier to have a few loose screws. That's also when I understood why some teachers are so distant.



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