
Showing posts from March, 2018

019 E: Duke + Old Virgin

18/3/30 01:22 E as in Experience I'm suddenly reminded of something that happened back when I was 9 and 10 or 11. I played Maplestory, and I liked picking fights, keyboard warrior to the max. I was 9 and I had a cleric at lvl 30. Back then, cashy characters weren't that common, so at that time it was still considered a 'very cool' thing. My character had that pretty rose hair so I was respected everywhere I went, especially since I was still at... Maple Island(? forgot what it's called) the place before Orbis. One time at Kerning PQ, being lvl 30, I lead a team. There was this noob mage at lvl 21 that wouldn't do anything during the crocs, the mobs and the king slime. Basically, he wasn't helping. He said he his damage is shit and rather not waste MP pots (back when you actually had to buy them) and risk dying. So I kept calling him a coward, very reflective of my age. My party members were teaming with me to bash the lvl 21 mage, since I was 2nd job

018 Scary

18/3/23 14:49 “他们真的那么伤心?” *耸肩 “感觉…不是那么…” “嗯?” *默默 “说翻脸就…” “呵呵,嗯,恐怖。” “呵呵。” 14:55

017 P: VR, L Stands for...

18/3/18 00:55 L Stands for... Lousy lowland, liar littered place Love lacks loyalty, lies layered and laced Lawless losers loath latching on lament Lacerations, lesions let and left Limping leverages, liabilities that last Lingering languish, lethargy and laze Listless loners lag in lapses Living loses its light Life, it lulls (Someone wrote a poem for B, it goes like "Bubbles bubble bumblebee and burp..." It was so cute I felt like reciting it. I wanted to write a B poem too, but it'd just end up being the same. I wrote this without a lot of thought, just searching up words that start with L and formed sentences that vaguely make sense. It took some time and many cringes. Probably, very cringe if I listen back to this some time later... No wait, it's already cringe. How fitting!!)

016 Th: Train, Right/Wrong

18/3/5 00:34 During my leisure time in bed, thought-filled moments in the shower, I've been thinking... what is right, what is wrong? I know that it depends on the circumstances, but who makes that judgement? When a police officer points a gun at a criminal, it isn't wrong, but when a criminal points it at a civilian, it's wrong. What differentiates a criminal and a civilian? The presence of a guilty mind, the absence of innocence. But why did the criminal have a guilty mind? He had to have been influenced, something must have induced his behaviour. There's always a motive behind every case, people who desire something, people who seek their own justice. Why are people so different? Why do their desires and values differ? Their upbringing? Even earth have lands with different climate and environment, I guess the world was just meant to be that way. It was as if being diverse is a universal rule. That reminds me of an article stating all humans will be mixed and t